Tips to Use Social Media Walls For Events: The Ultimate Guide

Dakshit Mathur

10 minute read

Dakshit Mathur

November 20, 2023

 Are you also among the others worried about creating and executing an event that can last forever in the minds of your attendees? Or are you finding ways to bring your event attendees to your social accounts to convert them into loyal customers?  

We have the one-stop solution for you: social media walls for events! Digital displays through which you can showcase your social media content, genuine reviews and feedback, user-generated content, live posts, and whatnot. 

But when it comes to social walls for events, you must remember tips and tricks that can help you or bring you down. 

Don’t worry; this blog has all the benefits and “keep in mind” pointers of social media walls for events so you don’t fall on your way up!

Read these tips and climb up your ladder of success without further ado. 

Making the Most of Social Media Walls for Events

  1. Run Engaging Activities
  2. Showcase Your Branded Content on the Social Wall
  3. Keep social media walls for events moderated
  4. Create a Hashtag for the Event
  5. Set Goals for Effective Social Wall Use 
  6. Strategic Social Wall Placement
  7. Flaunt sponsors on the screen
  8. Use your user-generated content 
  9. Maximize Demo Bookings with a social media wall for events  
  10. Go with a social media wall
  11. Highlight industry news 

Maximizing Impact with social media walls for events: Across all event phases

Maximizing event impact with social walls requires strategic planning throughout all phases, from pre-event to post-event. Here’s a guide on leveraging social walls for maximum impact across all 3 stages that your event passes by.

The Pre-event phase: Prep and build buzz 

Use social media before the big day to make your event exciting and result-driven. Share teasers and exclusive insights on Twitter and Instagram to get people talking. 

Create an event-specific hashtag and spread the word, as it acts like a guide through social media. Display posts with the event hashtag on screens using a social wall. 

Keep your social media profiles updated, and share event details—team up with micro-influencers who fit your event’s vibe to reach new audiences. Get speakers involved by giving them the event hashtag and asking them to engage online. 

Introduce speakers through images, videos, or podcasts on social media. Prompt buyers to share the news on social media when selling tickets, making it easy with a prepared message and the event hashtag. 

Event day tasks: Social walls for events in motion

Make a social media strategy for your event’s big day by posting live updates. Encourage attendees to share their experiences and excitement. 

Use a QR code to direct them to a social wall where they can upload photos or messages with your event hashtag. This user-generated content on a social wall display at the venue can create a more authentic experience. 

Set up interactive social media walls showcasing attendee posts in real-time. Keep the digital community buzzing with live updates, making your event trend on social media. Consider live streaming to reach a broader audience and embed your social wall for added interaction. 

The After-event math: Analyze and reflect

After your event, share highlights, engage with attendees, and gather feedback to ensure a lasting impact. Ask for feedback to encourage happy attendees to share their experiences. 

Consider resharing the best posts from your social wall to show appreciation. Include video clips, attendee statements, and social media posts to showcase the best moments.

When planning your next event, review what went well and what didn’t, optimizing for the future. Follow these points and remember that your audience is not just a content source; their enjoyment lies first. Use social media wall analytics to gain valuable insights.

Here are some tips for social media walls for events. 

Tips for Social Media Walls for Events

Social walls at events come in handy when brands seek solutions to increase brand awareness and boost attendees’ engagement. But there are things that you should keep in mind to get the best out of your digital displays at events. Read more about the tips to use your social media walls effectively. 

1. Run Engaging Activities

As a brand, you can engage your attendees and provide them with an immersive experience through running content and polls, effectively entertaining them throughout. 

Not only this, but you can also ask for their thoughts through participating and answering the questionnaires on the digital walls. Run activities that align with your event theme, ask related questions, and incentivize participants to elevate their experience. 

2. Showcase Your Branded Content on the Social Wall

Use the social media wall to display branded content, partnerships with sponsors and influencers, advertisements, and event highlights that can lure viewers to take positive action. 

Digital displays are a great way to ensure your brand messaging and values are visible to all attendees and help your brand build a favorable image. It can also be an opportunity to increase your social media spread and add new followers. 

3. Keep social media walls for events moderated

Implementing social media moderation in your social media wall at events can help you keep your display appropriate and away from off-brand content. This helps set and maintain your brand’s positive image among the viewers and helps sponsors make a deal with your brand. 

Not only that, but you can also ensure that you do not display any content submitted by the customers at events that harms your brand reputation.

4. Create a Hashtag for the Event

Go unique and make your event memorable by launching an event-specific hashtag, using which your attendees and participants can share their authentic and exciting content on social media channels. 

Another benefit of a social wall is that it can impact your brand by boosting brand awareness, building a trustworthy brand profile, and increasing sales. 

5. Set Goals for Effective Social Wall Use 

Be clear in your event objective: increase brand awareness, boost sales, or bring engagement. Knowing your aims can help you work towards them and achieve results. 

This tactic works wonders when your brand is launching a new product or a collection, and you are promoting it and generating buzz. This campaign will require tailored efforts from your side, such as highlighting the product’s benefits, sponsors, and more. 

6. Strategic Social Wall Placement

The location and visibility of your social media wall at the event are crucial. Ensure it’s strategically placed in attention-grabbing areas where attendees can easily see and interact. 

As essential as working on your social wall at events, it is equally important to watch your website and what gets displayed on it. Consider placing it near the entrance, registration desks, common areas, or main stages. The visibility of the social wall at events will encourage more participants to engage with it.

7. Flaunt sponsors on the screen

Social walls for events are like the WiFi at conferences or the main stages, whether a music festival or a work conference. Take this chance to give your supporters the appreciation they deserve and enhance sponsorship revenue.

You can display their particular messages and deals and align them with the social media wall design and theme that match their style or the event’s vibe. 

8. Use your user-generated content 

Do you know that when it comes to user-generated content, it is 20% more influential than any other source of marketing method?

It is the content your customers share through visuals and reviews on their social media channels. Resharing that authentic and highly trusted content can prove to be beneficial to your event marketing. 

So why not use social media walls to display and capture more attention, build a credible image, and achieve higher sales goals? 

9. Maximize Demo Bookings with a social media wall for events  

Testimonials offer valuable insights into the service provider’s capabilities and highlight the company’s reputation within the industry. Elevate your booking process by showcasing the voices of content customers, and watch your demo bookings go higher in the graph. 

Incorporating reviews directly onto your social media walls for events is a potent tool for increasing conversion rates. Prospective customers gain confidence and reassurance as they witness social proof of your satisfied clients. 

10. Go with a social media wall

Set a specific social media wall event that collects and showcases social media feeds from channels like Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. 

This can help you cross channels, promote your event, reach more viewers, and catch their attention. Why not use your social media channels to bring attention to upcoming events or ongoing gatherings? 

Hold your viewers’ interest and motivate them to create and share their genuine content on social media to increase your brand awareness. Display live Twitter feeds or create an Instagram hashtag wall showcasing campaign content.

11. Highlight industry news 

Elevate the experience of your event attendees by creating an effective strategy, showcasing the industry content, news, and updates appealingly, and ensuring that attendees stay informed.

Utilize a live social wall at the event to present a curated collection of industry updates and information, incorporating relevant hashtags or seamlessly blending customer content within social feeds.

People crave real-time engagement with captivating content; you can do so by creating a social wall for events, providing them with a compelling reason to put down their smartphones and actively engage with your event.

Just follow these tips and steps: integrate a social wall for the event with your hashtag, brand, sponsors, and social media plan all setup. Plan, match your tech with your event goals and prepare for more excitement and engagement at your event.

Why should you use a social media wall for events?

Using a social wall for the event can enhance the overall experience for attendees. A social wall is a digital display aggregating and showcasing social media content related to the event. 

Here are some reasons that can prove how setting up a social wall at events can benefit your brands. 

1. Connecting Attendees 

Social walls can increase the event’s visibility by showcasing user-generated content to a broader audience and establishing a credible image in the market. Attendees’ posts may be seen by their followers, expanding their reach and promoting the event organically.

2. Real-Time Updates

Attendees can stay informed about the latest updates, announcements, and changes to the event schedule by checking the social media wall for events. This real-time communication helps manage expectations and ensure everyone is on the same page.

3. Feedback and Insights

Social walls for events can be a valuable source of feedback for your brand. Monitoring social media posts allows them to calculate attendee reactions, identify popular aspects of the event, and address any concerns or issues.

4. Sponsorship Opportunities

Social walls can be monetized by offering sponsorship opportunities to contemporary brands and businesses. Sponsors can have their content featured on the digital screens, providing a platform for them to reach the event’s audience.

As a brand, you can use the multiple features of social media walls to bag more advantages and enhance your events.

Incorporate a social media wall for events now!

Social media walls are one digital display solution that can help you when hosting a new product launch event or just working on your website. As we reach the end of this blog, it is clear that a social media wall can make your event more engaging and help boost your brand. 

It’s a great tool to easily showcase your social media feed to your webpage visitors or event attendees to enhance the event experience and make informed decisions to grow your brand.

Using this tool, you can create memorable experiences to help your brand grow with effective results.