Powerful Features for Your Social Wall

Dakshit Mathur

5 minute read

Dakshit Mathur

October 20, 2023

The holiday season is about to conquer the market, and industries, especially the hospitality and events industry, see this as the most yielding time for them. They put in extra effort to stand out and make a difference. 

Efforts like influencer collaborations or social media campaigns are also a part of the strategy to create a pre-buzz. But what about this vast amount of content when the peak season arrives? 

This is when leveraging this social content becomes a necessity and a game-changer for businesses. Brands can use this content to curate engaging social walls.

A social wall can help you increase your engagement, learn about your audience preferences, bring in more conversions, and boost your brand visibility. 

You can easily set up a social wall, from product launch events and corporate conferences to small gatherings and virtual or hybrid meetups. But here is the underlying question– what essential features must your ideal social wall tool have? 

In this blog, we’ll cover what you need to look for in the right social wall to help you achieve your goals. Now, without any more delay, let’s begin expanding your knowledge.

Key Features of Social Wall

Features of Social Wall

A social wall is a powerful tool that can help you elevate your presence and boost audience engagement. 

Also known as a social media wall or social feed, this digital display allows you to aggregate and showcase content from multiple social media platforms in real-time. 

Now that you know social walls, it is time to move to the next page, its critical must-have features.

Moderation: Cover or Reveal

social wall moderation

The main aim of any brand is to maintain the quality and appropriateness of the content posted on its social media accounts, at events, on social walls, websites, and more. 

With the moderation feature in your social wall, you can easily control and filter content to maintain a safe environment and filter out irrelevant and profane content, be it visuals, reviews, or texts, before it gets displayed on the digital screen. 

This ensures the content aligns with the event’s or brand’s guidelines and maintains a positive online presence. 

Customization: Personalize your Content

Choosing the look and display of your social wall as per your branding and the program’s vibe is a crucial task. 

As a brand, you can customize and tailor the social wall’s appearance to match your style and see if the social media feed that gets showcased falls under your audience’s visual preference. 

To ensure a personalized touch, you may need to adjust the layout, choose specific social media sources, and customize design elements such as fonts, colors, and backgrounds.

Themes: Match Your Vibe

social wall theme

Using themes or templates can be an excellent way for users to enhance the look and feel of their social walls, which can help your brand to catch more attention. 

By providing predefined design styles, themes make it easy for users to create visually appealing displays. This saves time and ensures the end product looks professional and polished.

Additionally, these themes can be customized for different events and occasions. 

Read AlsoHow to Create a Social Wall for Your Next Event

Insightful Analytics: Track And Grow

analytics feature : social wall

Analytics tools are essential for tracking a social wall’s performance and impact so your brand can improve in upcoming events and social campaigns. Access data and metrics to understand user engagement and trends.

The analytics feature in social wall software provides data on engagement, reach, popular content, and audience demographics, which organizers can use to understand the effectiveness of their social wall. 

You can use analytics tools to get detailed reports, and valuable information can help make informed decisions for future events or marketing strategies, leading to achieving goals effectively. 

Gamification Apps

Suppose you understand the importance of being the center of attention. In that case, you know how difficult it is to get your audience to participate and be present at your events and social media campaigns. 

Studio is the feature that can help you shine, get all the information, and make your event interactive effectively. Create and manage content easily in a user-friendly workspace.

This feature allows its users to connect and interact with event attendees directly without using social media channels, ask them about their interests, and help them enjoy the gathering more. 

All in all, social walls are the medium that helps you elevate your event game. The best part is that these digital screens are not limited to events or conferences, but you can use them for trade shows, weddings, and more to achieve your goals. 

Your Turn to Try Out Social Walls

In conclusion, a social wall is a tool that can improve your audience’s engagement, promote upcoming events or product collections, showcase user-generated content, and build trustworthy bonds. 

Its customization and moderation features, insightful analytics, and user-friendly studio make it an effective way to harness the power of social media content for various purposes. 

If your brand aims for those mentioned above, then a social wall is your go-to answer to try out today.