Benefits of Using Twitter Walls For Events, Websites, or Retail

Dakshit Mathur

6 minute read

Dakshit Mathur

January 31, 2024

Adding live Twitter walls and displaying live content is a popular trend nowadays. It means showing real-time customer support, appreciation, and reviews from platforms like Twitter—something both event planners and companies love.

For brands, an AI-powered free Twitter wall for events is a must-have tool for promoting events and engaging attendees. By utilizing its features, you can reach more people, build excitement, and create a buzz that lasts even after the event.

A key part of brand events is using a live Twitter Wall—a platform that shows live tweets with a specific hashtag. These tweets can be from the brand or fans (user-generated content). Twitter Walls, also called Tweet Walls, are a hit at events like conferences, weddings, concerts, and more.

In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of a Twitter Wall at your events, making them more fun and memorable. 

So, let’s get started!

Top Benefits Of Twitter Wall

  1. Increase Engagement
  2. Collect User-Generated Content
  3. Promote Brand Awareness
  4. Track Conversations
  5. Create a Buzz
  6. Offer Instant Feedback
  7. Zero Production Cost
  8. Boosted Networking
  9. Understanding the Audience
  10. Elevate Sponsor Visibility

Benefits of setting up a Twitter Wall

A free Twitter Wall promises to create social buzz and boost event engagement and brand reach. You can display them on any screen size, making events more interactive. But there’s more to them, so keep reading to learn the benefits of a Twitter wall.  

1. Increase Engagement

Having a tweet wall at an event is an excellent method to boost engagement among attendees. Imagine a live Twitter feed showcasing guests’ tweets using your event or contest hashtag. This not only creates a social buzz around your brand and event but also allows attendees to see their tweets displayed on a big screen, catching the attention of fellow guests and event organizers.

To amplify engagement on the tweet wall, sponsors and speakers can be encouraged to share their thoughts through tweets.

2. Collect User-Generated Content


The AI-powered Twitter wall is a great source to collect your customers’ authentic and trustworthy word of mouth and use it to benefit your brand and achieve goals like building a positive brand image in the market.

When you showcase your buyers’ content on screens, it helps other potential customers make an informed decision. Furthermore, you can keep everyone updated on what’s the most purchased product of your brand, hence boosting your sales.

3. Promote Brand Awareness

Share information about your brand values and aesthetics, and set the tone by leveraging the best tweet wall. Enable real-time interaction with a live hashtag feed during the event. Customize your brand wall according to your preferences – choose the theme, font style, tweet display, and layout that align with your brand’s identity.

Ensure that your brand logo is prominently displayed, and consider running ads on your free Twitter wall throughout the event.

4. Track Conversations

Track Conversations with Twitter wall

Using the Twitter hashtag tool, you can easily track the progress of your campaigns, events, and retail store through social wall displays. Get deeper information on how many people retweeted and reshared, who the top creators were, and what you can improve in the future.

Not only that, but you can quickly check conversions and find out your competitor’s performance using a Twitter viewer tool, gaining valuable insights.

5. Create a Buzz

create a buzz with Tagshop

To boost your event’s social visibility, engaging your audience is crucial, as mentioned in the first step. When your guests, sponsors, and speakers interact and tweet using the event hashtag, they’re not just participating but also involving their followers in your event. Gather information and detailed analytics using the Twitter hashtag tracking tools

By having a live Twitter stream at your event that includes a mix of branded content, fan-created content, and tweets from speakers and sponsors, you can significantly increase user engagement. This mix of content helps your event gain visibility in the Twitter world.

6. Offer Instant Feedback

As a brand, you must already be aware that your customer’s feedback holds immense value, whether in the context of events or business, whether visual or written reviews. Understanding the sentiments expressed by your audience about your business, service, or products is crucial for providing them with their preferred outcomes.

Twitter advanced analytics serve as a tool for event organizers to receive real-time feedback from attendees, enabling them to assess the event’s overall sentiment and make necessary adjustments.

7. Zero Production Cost

When it comes to branding and marketing your brand and its products, it is no surprise that it can cost a lot. So, to make a shift in that, a more reasonable and affordable option is engaging social walls that exhibit your live content.

User-generated content, created by customers and users, is unique in that it’s entirely free for advertisers. Showcasing a live Twitter feed at events comes with no financial expense.

8. Boosted Networking

Twitter walls improve networking by displaying attendees’ tweets and encouraging interaction, making it easier for people to connect. Additionally, by sharing information such as job titles or interests, best Twitter walls help attendees discover potential networking opportunities.

By leveraging the features of social walls, you can easily customize your Twitter wall. Display a banner with news, updates, and announcements to enhance the networking experience.

9. Understanding the Audience

social wall

Twitter walls play a crucial role in monitoring and displaying event or brand-related hashtags and mentions in real-time. They create feeds of user-generated content, providing organizers and marketers with immediate insights into audience behavior and sentiment.

Real-time tracking encourages audience engagement, allowing attendees or followers to contribute to the ongoing conversation. By understanding popular hashtags, trending topics, and audience preferences, marketers can refine messaging and enhance the overall audience experience in subsequent events.

10. Elevate Sponsor Visibility

Ensuring the success of your event hinges on recognizing and showcasing sponsors appropriately. Twitter Walls prove to be a powerful tool for featuring social content prominently. Designate the Twitter Wall as a dedicated area to boost the visibility of event sponsors, showcasing their logos and messages alongside attendee tweets.

By strategically spotlighting sponsors, you demonstrate gratitude and create an attractive platform that can entice additional sponsors for your upcoming events.

Over to you

As we conclude, adding a Twitter Wall for a website, events, DOOH ad, or retail store screen can make a significant difference. It helps maximize the impact of social media, improving your event overall by engaging viewers and showcasing live social media feeds.

Not only does it enhance the brand’s attendee experience, but it also keeps everyone updated in real-time.

Throughout this blog, we’ve shared numerous benefits of incorporating a Twitter Wall, from increasing audience interest to spreading the word about your event online.

So, don’t miss your chance to incorporate Twitter walls into your upcoming event!