How to use Hashtag Highlighter?

Hashtag Highlighter

Hashtag highlighter is a feature of Social Walls, where you can highlight your hashtags on social wall within the post in various colors. Through this feature, you can grab more attention of your website visitors and audience attendees.

How to use it

Follow below steps to use Hashtag Highlighter

Step 1. Log on to your Social Walls account and navigate to your wall editor.

Step 2. Click on More (You will find it on the left-hand side of the page) –

Step 3. After clicking the More, you will Addons. Scroll down and select Hashtag Highlighter option –

Step 4. You will see a Modal Popup, from here you can enable your Hashtag Highlighter feature.

Step 5. Color: Click on the color option and choose the suitable color for your hashtag.

Step 6. Feed Hashtag: To highlight your feed hashtags, you need to enable this option.

Step 7. All Hashtag: Additionally, you can also highlight all the hashtags of the post by enabling this feature.

Step 8. Status: Turn on this option to highlight your hashtag. You can’t highlight your hashtag until you enable it.

Step 9. Apply Style: Save your all settings for hashtag highlights by clicking on Apply Style button.

How it looks

All Hashtags

When you enable all hashtags option

Card Preview-

All feed preview

Wall Preview-

All post hashtags highlight

Feed Hashtags

When you enable only feed hashtags option

Card Preview-

Feed preview

Wall Preview-

feed post hashtags highlight

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